Tuesday 24 February 2015


This is a simple asana. Everybody can easily do it.

 Stand with feet as wide apart as possible.
Touch the left foot with right hand and raise the left hand upward. Keep the pose for some time. Then adversely touch the right foot with left hand and raise the right hand upward. Hold the position for some time. Repeat it three to five times.

The trunk should not lean forward or backward while doing the posture.

There are many variations of this asana.


This asana relieves troubles of back and spine.
It develops buttocks.
It helps the body become supple, light and airy.
It cures the ailments of lungs and stomach.

It increases your height.

Sunday 8 February 2015


This asana is known as” PEACOCK POSTURE”.  This posture resembles a peacock.

Lie flat on stomach.

Raise the body with the help of elbows touching the ground with knees.

Try to lift the whole body off the ground giving full weight on elbows.
Hold so for some time.

Raise the legs like the wings of peacock holding head straight.

Maintain the posture as comfortably as you can.


This asana induce blood circulation of body.
It makes the body slim and beautiful.
It cures stomach disorders and helps digestive process.

It strengthens the abdominal and shoulder muscles.

Monday 2 February 2015



This asana is very simple and can be done easily.

Lie on stomach placing hands onwards.

Breathe deeply.

Raise the arms and legs as high as possible.

The body should be in the form of a boat.

Keep the pose for some time.

Exhale and down the legs and hands.

Repeat the pose as comfortably as you can.

It improves blood circulation.
It reduces fatness of the body.
It will improve your digestive power and cure constipation.

It cures ailments of limbs ,neck and stomach.  

Monday 26 January 2015


Lie flat on the back.

Raise one leg to 30 degrees. Then raise it again to 60degrees and finally 90 degrees.

Hold it for some time. Then slowly bring down.

Repeat the above with other leg. This is Ardha Halasana or half Halasana pose. This is also known as half-plough pose.

In HALASANA pose, both legs are simultaneously raised to 90 degrees.

 After the pose, bring the legs over the head bending trunk so as to touch the ground with toes.

Maintain the pose for some time.  


It improves elasticity of the spine and strengthens the back muscles.
It strengthens shoulder and abdominal muscles and improves function of thyroid and parathyroid glands.
It helps to cure dyspepsia and constipation.

It peps up sluggish liver and spleen.

Monday 19 January 2015


Lie on the back with relaxed.

Place the hands by the side of thighs and the legs together.

Raise the legs slowly together. Keep rising up to ninety degrees to the ground.

Lift the back off the ground by moving the legs closer to the head a bit.

Supporting the back with the hands, the body is further lifted off the ground and brought at right angles to the head and neck.

The entire weight of the body is balanced on the shoulders and the posterior of the neck.

Keep  this pose as long as you comfortably can.

This pose is also known as Ardha-Shirshasana.


It stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid glands and improves their functions
It strengthens the arms and shoulders and keeps the spine flexible
It nourishing brain with more blood
It stretches the heart muscles by returning more venous blood to the heart

It Brings relief from constipation, indigestion and varicose veins

Sunday 11 January 2015


Sit in Padmasanam  pose.

Gradually lean back on the elbow first and finals lie flat on the ground.

Raise the trunk and back, bending the head backwards as far as possible, throwing the body weight on the elbows.

Form a deep arch with the top of the head and haunches forming the base of the arch.
Hook the big toes with index fingers.

Breathe deeply but slowly.

Hold the breath for sometimes and exhale gradually.


Matsyasana tones up the thyroid and parathyroid.
It removes congestion in the neck and the throat.
It gets rid of the double chin.

It strengthens the neck and lends a fine backward bend to the cervical region of the spine. 

Thursday 8 January 2015


Lie on the stomach straightly. Touch the forehead to the ground, stretch arms by the side of the body and keep legs together, soles facing upwards.

Bend the arms and place the palms on the ground near the chest.

Raise only the head and thrust the chin forward.
Raising head and turn as far backward as possible.

Contract the back muscles and bring the shoulders close to each other.

Gradually lift the body, beginning with the chest and stomach but keeping the body from the navel downwards on the ground.

Use the hands only for balance, depending on the contraction of the back muscles for the suspension. Keep the posture at least 10 seconds and repeat it as possible.


It strengthens the back and hip muscles.
It lends a comfortable bend to the end of the spine.

It alleviates gastric disorders, lumber troubles, dyspepsia, and constipation.